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Ron Suno Virtually Visits Queens High School

In a time of remote learning, it’s very hard to be excited about school on a Monday. Bronx native Ron Suno recently did his part to change the narrative. The 20-year-old Pinocchio rapper joined forces with the counseling

staff at Queens High School Voyages Prep and virtually visited the students and staff during their weekly counseling session.

Ron met with students through Google meet and interacted with them in a counseling session tailored to personal branding, social media, and self-advocacy. The students asked a variety of questions all of which Ron answered with a bright smile and charisma that showed how Ron has been able to get his success. Amongst the advice that Ron gave students what stood out the most was his statements on staying in school being detrimental as well as why it is important to be financially literate. Ron let it be known that financial literacy is important to avoid issues in the long run. He further elaborated if you are able to control your own finances you won't have to worry about someone else taking advantage. Having been a product of a credit recovery school, Ron was able to relate to the students and advised them to keep going and not give up.

The students were very engaged and happy to see that Ron took time out of his schedule to drop some wisdom. Director of counseling at Voyages Prep Claudio Salcedo had this to say about the visit ''As a school that services students who are searching for their passion, post-high school. Having Ron Suno meet our students allowed them to see first-hand someone who can relate to them in many facets''. This all would not have been possible without the efforts of Avery Ms. Artistry and the counseling Staff at Voyages prep. Ron Suno made a regular day fun and exciting and helped to create memories these students will never forget.Stay In Touch With Ron Suno He Has A lot In Store For His Fans including upcoming collaborations with Sheff G, Fetty Wap & More


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