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Nostalgic nook releases official video "FULL METAL JACKET"

Upcoming artist Nostalgic Nook shares his newest single and official music video called “Full Metal Jacket” — starting off the first quarter of the year with a new release, Nostalgic Nook is ready for the year's worth journey. Upbeat, hard-hitting and flashy, "Full Metal Jacket" is a really great example for those new to Nostalgic Nook's artistry. The official “Full Metal Jacket” visual is graphic and engaging, easily hooking whoever decides to watch.

Native to Philadelphia, PA, Nostalgic Nook grew up in a city full of musical influence. Creating music for 7+ years, Nook is taking it more seriously than ever at this moment. His previous release “Metallica” was just as creatively-motivated, and the follow up is that of “Full Metal Jacket”. Ready for 2022 and everything it brings -- Stream “Full Metal Jacket” below:


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