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Meet Speedyville Nardy!

The independent artist from Illinois had been through many ups and experienced the worst when someone close to him passed away. Since then, he’s been creating not only a new life for himself, but a legacy for generations to come. The goals he hopes to achieve within the next year is starting a clothing line for his label Pack Money, buying his own housing project in “Speedyville” Which is where I’m from! Tap in and get to know Speedyville Nardy!

Why is giving back to the community important when you have reached a point in your career where you are able to give back?

I really can’t speak for others but, I’ve been providing and assisting many w/o!!!

Helping, being an inspiration, leading by examples, good character, determination, self preservation, being supportive etc.Things in this nature I manifest daily money or no money!!! So giving back is something that is not anything to glorify or do because of some financial gains or noble peach prize for honoring being a genuine individual!!

When you are not in the studio and/or working, what are some things that you enjoy doing? What are your hobbies?

I like enjoying the REAL WORLD! I’m not an social media, television, technology base type of individual. I’m really in the world everyday OUTSIDE!!!

Instagram: speedyville728

YouTube: speedyville nardy


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