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Lupe Xchange Is Making Waves In The Music Industry! Check Out His New Visuals "Kent Races"

Lupes Xchange is breaking boundaries when it comes to traditional rap music. The up-and-coming artist is not afraid to take risks and believes there is no limitation when it comes to creating art. Recording his first track in 2018, Lupe Xchange is ready to prove that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to!

Born in Lebanon, Lupe and his family later moved from the middle east to Northern Virginia when he was a young boy. The move to the United States gave his family access to a better life, however, they still struggled financially. By the time he was in middle school, he admits writing music helped him deal with his stress of living in poverty.

“At the time we were living in a homeless shelter I was probably the poorest kid at my school. I began putting all my words and thoughts onto paper.” He revealed, “It was another form of therapy for me similar to a diary because I never showed my raps to anyone besides my siblings because they understood what I felt.”

Lupe’s passion for music only grew stronger once he realized his talent for songwriting. Overtime, he felt more and more motivated to begin his career in music. In fact, last year the independent artist decided it was time to take his shot at the music industry and released his debut EP!

“After I released my EP “Reallive Popstar'' and began receiving love from friends and strangers I truly knew this was what I am set out to do.” He explained, “I received heart touching messages from loved ones and people I haven't spoken with in years. It was the best feeling ever to feel so appreciated for my art and craft I put so much time into.”

Although it is just the beginning, Lupe Xchange looks forward to opening doors for other up and coming artists that may fear being vulnerable in their own music. He hopes to inspire others to push boundaries and create art the way they envision it!

Dedicated to making his mark in the music industry, Lupe Xchange says he looks forward to networking and collaborating with different artists. However, this year, the up-and-coming artist is focused on growing a larger fan base, dropping new music and music videos! In fact, the up-and-coming artist just dropped new visuals to his track “Kent Races”, make sure to check it out down below!


Twitter: @lupexchange

YouTube Channel:@lupexchange




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