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Hidden Gems: The Savage Sweetheart out of Maryland Amala

Meet this hidden gem and budding star out of the DMV who goes by the name of Amala! Recently she premiered an amazing new single and video “Tik Tok” which earned high praise from our team for it’s uber creativity! Like what her moniker “The Savage Sweetheart” suggests, the young artist shakes the table by combining confident lyricism with crafty wordplay to give listeners vibes of a young Lil Kim. We caught up with the young future icon for a brief Q&A to give fans more insight on her.

HHB: During the making of “Tik Tok,” what are some stories you are willing to share?

A: Yes, definitely. “Tik Tok'' is one of the fast songs I’ve recorded. So, for me that’s an all time record, because I take literally a whole 10 hour block to record one song. Also, the visual for “Tik Tok'' was drafted in a week with Chasity Corset and shot in two days, almost ten hour days.

HHB: We noticed the heavy 2000s influence in the song, can you give us your perspective on the decade and what made it so iconic?

A: Omg, the 2000s, I came into myself. Yes, I am young but in 08’ was the first time I experienced and noticed how different I was. My personality was different, my looks, my upbringing around my peers was different. Sh*t, I was unique. The 2000s are iconic to me because to me music was dance music, unique, a vibe! Everything in the 2000s was a vibe.

HHB: If you had one artist you were dying to collaborate with, who would it be and why?

A: One!?? Only one!? Um, wow. Definitely right now would have to be Rihanna and a few others for sure. I really want to do a ladies record with the most powerful women in the industry.

HHB: You have a very distinct and beautiful look with great style! What are some “looks from Amala” we need to know about?

A: Thank you. Some looks for me, Amala, are going to be either high fashion or chill. And I will kill both looks! I love being fly as f*ck but I also so love being in a good sweatsuit.

HHB: What’s your skin routine? It’s glowing!

A: Thank you, awww I feel so loved. I wash my face, tell myself I look good, and smile through it all!

HHB: What food stops in Maryland we need to hit?

A: Definitely need to stop by Sardis. It’s the BEST Peruvian food.

HHB: One quote that you live your life by?

A: “Faith is taking the first step without seeing the whole staircase.” - Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King

HHB: What are your plans for the rest of 2020 and 2021?

A: I have many goals and plans to achieve as in being a charting artist, a major headliner, in the game for ten plus years. Honestly, a major plan for me is to remain hungry, stay humble, keep going and keep grinding for the rest of 2020, 2021.


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