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Chicago Artist Big Bank Bandz Survives Shooting At Los Angeles Gas Station

Chicago native artist Big Bank Bandz and his team experienced an attack on their lives in Los Angeles last week as intended targets of a shooting at a local gas station in Inglewood. Bandz is currently on a nationwide tour with renowned Miami rap-star Robb Bank$, surely becoming familiar with the spotlight while pushing his current singles. The Chicago-born lyricist is not unfamiliar to near-death situations given the environment he was raised in, overcoming yet another intense situation on his way to stardom. It comes as no secret that rappers are heavy targets for gun violence and (attempted) murder, and Big Bank Bandz experienced this first hand on one of his first large-scale tours.

"This situation brought to my attention that rappers are heavy targets -- not only in my city of Chicago, but everywhere. And I always have to be aware of my surroundings knowing I can potentially lose my life anywhere at anytime." - Big Bank Bandz

Hip-hop has taken a few losses with several beloved rappers having their lives shortened from gun violence, and Big Bank Bandz is living proof of escaping those deadly situations and continuing to fulfill his purpose. All rappers are in dire need of taking precautious measures to protect their lives, and fans are lucky to have Big Bank Bandz healthy and safe, as well as everyone alongside him and the tour too.


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