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Big havi sits down with hip-hop basement for a more in depth interview of who he is as an artist

Everyone is looking for the next artist to connect to these days since many are complaining about music's direction. Our job is to source and find new artist that the viewer will have an interest in. This time we got a chance to catch up with artist Big Havi, who we got to learn a little more in depth through our interview. Check out the written interview below and stream his latest material.

Where are you from and how does that affect your work?

I’m From Decatur GA, which I would say affects my work in so many ways from the swag, the sound & accent down to the way life was for me in Decatur. To me it’s no place like it.

What genre do you think best describes your music?

Unorthodox , if I could make that a genre, Reason being I'm versatile and you never know what to expect from me. Some days I go into the studio not knowing what I'm about to create and come out with a masterpiece, especially because I don't write.

Any upcoming features we should expect to see on your next project?

In general I have many features and songs in the works but as far as upcoming releases you can expect to hear some Sexton , Jules Walcott & Milrose Music. Who are your biggest artistic influences? Artistically I would say I’m mostly influenced by the sound or flow someone carries. I just like good music no matter who it is. Tell me about your favorite musical experience. My favorite musical experience was in San Luis Obispo, California. I saw a drawing in the audience while performing which looked like me. It turned out to actually be me and a very special supporter of mine drew it so that night changed my life forever! Where do you find your inspiration? I’ve noticed I honestly find my inspiration while chilling with family and enjoying life in general. I like to do things outside of music like ride 4 wheelers or even exotic cars. When is your favorite time of day to create? Anytime really, but the afternoon Is good because the vibe be feeling perfect to me. Describe how art is important to society. I believe art is important to society because imagery describes us all in so many ways. It's a statement just like fashion that’s what makes it so important to society in my opinion. What motivates you to create? I genuinely love what I do when it comes to creating, Just the thought of wanting to expand outside the box makes me want to create. How do you define success as an artist? In my eyes success as an artist is simple, understand the business first! Does art help you in other areas of your life? Yes my art most definitely helps in other areas of my life like stress or depression. It's been countless times where I play my music to feel better or heal whatever I was feeling at the time. What's the purpose or goal of your music? Well, I love what I do so the purpose of my music is to teach the youth that don’t yet have a clue who they want Look up to yet, not only that but my music has substance and if you like storytelling type music about real life experiences you’ll love my music.

How can your work affect or relate to societal issues? I feel like my music is very relatable to societal issues because it’s heartfelt and my music is all about my life or how I feel and I make music that many can relate to. How do you navigate in the music industry? I honestly just stay out the mix of negativity and keep perfecting my craft at my best. How has your style changed over time? I don’t feel like my style necessarily changed, in my eyes it just elevated and evolved. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the music industry? My favorite part of it all is receiving & feeling the love from the heavy hitters behind the scenes. My least favorite would probably be how up and down it can be while tryna get to the top. Do you have a network of other artists, and how do they support you? I have quite a large span of networking with artists and we all support one another. What have critics and collectors said about your work? I’ve heard that quite a few people find my music soothing towards their everyday life and emotions. Are you currently working on a project, if so when should we expect it? Right now I’m just working. I got a large body of work in the vault that could potentially be a project but we’ll see what the future presents. What advice would you give upcoming artists just entering the industry? If I could tell an upcoming artist anything I’d tell them just aim to stay original meaning remain true to yourself no matter what room you’re in or beat you’re on I also would tell them to realize that music is nothing but the law of attraction on a track so be careful what you wish or speak about especially upon yourself. Do you have any upcoming singles releasing before your project? I definitely have a new single titled “Ego” coming very soon and it’s going to be different for me. I think my fans are gonna enjoy it! Who is the one artist male or female, that's your dream collab or feature? I honestly got one accomplished with Lil Baby which was huge for me. I’m honestly now ready to work with anybody. What should we expect from Havi for the remainder of 2022? For the remainder of 2022 expect nothing but growth success and more growth! I’m gearing up to be at my peak in 2023 I just want to use the remainder of 2022 as a year to learn as much as I can to be a greater me in the near future. How do you find comfort recording, is there any specific people you want around ? or do you like private sessions by yourself? I find myself most comfortable by recording myself as far as people in the room I usually like to be alone but if I’m around a homie or family member I don’t mind, I work regardless.


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