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Kai Ca$h "$kee $lopes" Video Out Now

Kai Ca$h has started a new series entitled #MentalHealthMondays and since has delivered his very first visual "$kee $lopes" a single from his debut EP, Birth In The Borough. The Michael Flynn directed video pays homage to Spike Lee's directing book; capturing Kai riding a bmx bike through his Brooklyn Neighborhood, as he raps and reminisce's about growing up in the area. The video was directed to bring back the old NY nostalgia that everyone fell in love with back in the day.

Kai explains why this video is special to him: “$kee $lopes is important to me because it’s my life story condensed into 2 minutes , I was able to touch on so many different chapters and embrace them with this record. The video also hits home because it’s based on the places in Brooklyn that I grew up in, the visual/song match up perfectly. SB: I freestyled the entire song lol."

Kai recently re-released his debut EP "Birth Of A Borough" adding an aditional record titled, "Tei Zaundei." The record received a lot of attention and was demanded to be released by fans after Justin Combs released a Triller video featuring the song. Fans can expect more music from Kai releasing throughout the last quarter of the year.

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