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DeCarlo “Mind Up” Video

DeCarlo is an American singer and songwriter who also has his hand in producing. In addition to being an artist, DeCarlo is a budding philanthropist. His brand “LIV 17” draws inspiration from Isiah 54:17 – “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” and is the catalyst that influences not only his artistry, but his humanity. DeCarlo has been featured on songs with artists such as Romeo Miller, Ace B and Don Benjamin. DeCarlo has also made guests appearances on WE tv’s running series “Growing up Hip Hop.” 

Now the crooner has a new visual for his growing fan base. “Mind Up” is Decarlo’s first video off his upcoming EP, scheduled for release this fall. You can hear Carlo singing “I gotta make my mind up, cause everybody wanting you, I gotta make a move.” Check out “Mind Up”here


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