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Wes Krave- Look At Ya'Self

With 2017 passing us by a new year begins and we can all reflect on the successes and failures of the rolled-out year. Wes Krave’s “Look At Ya’Self” can provide you with that ambient feeling and lyrical truth, that may give you a different view on your own doings. With past stompin and successful releases, “Dream Of Getting On” and “How I Roll”, The newly released “Look At Ya’Self” entails a highly emotional beat, lyrics, and a backing visual to the vibe.The beat, produced by TrackSlammerz, focuses on dynamic guitar licks with a Stevie Ray Vaughan kind of tone. The drums push the beat to give that street feel and small piano touches to sum up the vibe. Wes Krave’s lyrics collab perfectly, essentially asking questions.

What did you do? Did you give it your all? what kind of man are you? And “look at yourself”. Moving into, were you a good father to your son and daughter?

The video matches nicely.

Khaleel Garcia, “Imagine World Studios” was on video production and directed by Bernard Love “KB Creative Group”. The video starts with an intense 4 second snippet of night cricket sounds and a man holding a pistol to another man’s head, asking:

“Thought this shit was over….huh?”.

The video tells a story with backing clips of Wes Krave in a calm and shadowy room. As the video progresses two men get into a confrontation with a hard punch thrown knocking one of them out. The assaulted man, half on conscious, picks himself up and meets up with a woman dressed highly provocative.

Wes Krave’s lyrics touches on being father to your daughter at this point.The woman lures herself into the assaulter’s car as a prostitute with the assaulted man taking the vantage point, bringing him to gun point. The video ends with multiple gun shots as payback. The sick and twisted opinion of mine, the woman doesn’t flinch or make a sound during the murder.

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